Friday, January 23, 2009

John Lennon sell soul devil

Many viewers were first acquainted with Ashley Jensen when she played Maggie, the dowdy, dim-bulb sidekick to Ricky Gervais on his show-biz spoof Extras. Did John Lennon sell his soul to the devil in exchange for his worldly musical success with The Beatles and beyond? Thats the theory set forth by Joseph Niezgoda in his soon-to-be released book The Lennon Prophecy, A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles. In the hip hop game, much has been made of the top-notch emcees ability to paint word-pictures so vivid that they make listeners feel as if they are enjoying not just a pop song but a full-blown cinematic masterpiece. Charice appeared in the show to promote David Fosters new CD-DVD Hitman David Foster Friend. If someone says they like both, theyre lying. com wrote this week that the silent launch of WWE Universe in April brought more than 200,000 WWE fans to the site.

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