Friday, February 27, 2009

January 2009

All of you ugly haters go to hell. Mjk on january 22, 2009 at 1 07 pm. The song category is where oscar always screws up weve now had two rap songs win the coveted statue, beating songs with actually melody two years ago, the academy confused a wonderful scene creating its hard out here for a pimp with it actually being a wonderful song not the same, people anyone here remember when ava satani was nominated from the omen, like it was actually a song. 20 inauguration, the private fundraising for the obamas mega-party has already passed $27 million, or better than a million bucks an hour for that day. The hurdles facing button underscore how risky so-called prestige pictures, even ones showered with accolades, have become for the major hollywood studios.

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